Oracle Corporation

1Z0-809: Java SE 8 Programming

30 hours
695,00 €
Classroom or Live Virtual Class
Classroom or Live Virtual Class


Para miembros del colectivo  PUE Alumni


El presente curso oficial de Oracle que impartimos en Barcelona y Madrid, diseñado para otorgar a los participantes una base sólida en el uso de componentes nativos del API de Java SE 8, constituye el segundo paso en el camino hacia el éxito como desarrollador de aplicaciones en la plataforma Java.

Los asistentes aprenderán a diseñar aplicaciones robustas orientadas a objetos en la plataforma Java, a la vez que conocen y ponen en práctica los componentes nativos claves del API de Java SE 8: Collections, Generics, JDCB, Localization, Java NIO.2, The Fork-Join Framework, …

Dicho curso se enmarca dentro del programa Workforce Development Program (WDP), iniciativa diseñada por Oracle para ayudar a la nueva generación de profesionales TI a aprender las habilidades más demandadas sobre tecnologías Oracle, así como ayudarles en su preparación a los exámenes de certificación asociados al curso, suponiendo un valor añadido y diferenciador en su perfil profesional.

Audience and prerequisites

Este curso está dirigido a desarrolladores con experiencia en el uso del lenguaje de programación Java, que desean profundizar en el uso de componentes nativos del API de Java.

También pueden estar interesados en realizar este curso, aquellos desarrolladores ya familiarizados con los componentes principales del API nativo de Java, que se están preparando para obtener la certificación OCP Java SE 8 Programmer y desean profundizar en algunos contenidos.

Para un máximo aprovechamiento del curso, los participantes deberán poseer conocimientos del paradigma de programación orientado a objetos (tanto a nivel teórico como práctico) y experiencia en el uso del lenguaje de programación Java.


Una vez finalizado el curso, el alumno habrá adquirido los conocimientos y habilidades para:

  • Diseñar aplicaciones en la plataforma Java usando las APIs nativas más conocidas.
  • Poner en práctica los conocimientos sobre orientación a objetos.
  • Identificar buenas prácticas para diseñar aplicaciones robustas.
  • Utilizar y diseñar expresiones Lamba.
  • Almacenar y manipular datos usando colecciones.
  • Interactuar con archivos, directorios y el sistema de ficheros.
  • Conectar con bases de datos utilizando consultas SQL estándar mediante JDBC.
  • Diseñar aplicaciones multi-thread con alto rendimiento.

Certification included

Este curso oficial es el recomendado por Oracle para la preparación del siguiente examen de certificación oficial valorado en 302,50€ (IVA incl.), que incluimos en el precio del curso a todos los miembros del programa PUE Alumni.

La superación de este examen es un requisito imprescindible para obtener la certificación Oracle Certified Professional – Java SE 8 Programmer.

PUE es centro certificador oficial Pearson VUE por lo que el candidato se examinará en nuestras instalaciones.


Java Platform Overview

  • Defining how the Java language achieves platform independence
  • Differentiating between the Java ME, Java SE, and Java EE Platforms
  • Evaluating Java libraries, middle-ware, and database options
  • Defining how the Java language continues to evolve

Java Syntax and Class Review

  • Creating simple Java classes
  • Creating primitive variables
  • Using operators
  • Creating and manipulate strings
  • Using if-else and switch statements
  • Iterating with loops: while,do-while,for,enhanced for
  • Creating arrays
  • Using Java fields, constructors, and methods

Encapsulation and Subclassing

  • Using encapsulation in Java class design
  • Modeling business problems using Java classes
  • Making classes immutable
  • Creating and use Java subclasses
  • Overloading methods

Overriding Methods, Polymorphism, and Static Classes

  • Using access levels: private, protected, default, and public
  • Overriding methods
  • Using virtual method invocation
  • Using varargs to specify variable arguments
  • Using the instanceof operator to compare object types
  • Using upward and downward casts
  • Modeling business problems by using the static keyword

Abstract and Nested Classes

  • Designing general-purpose base classes by using abstract classes
  • Constructing abstract Java classes and subclasses
  • Applying final keyword in Java
  • Distinguish between top-level and nested classes

Interfaces and Lambda Expressions

  • Defining a Java interface
  • Choosing between interface inheritance and class inheritance
  • Extending an interface
  • Defaulting methods
  • Anonymous inner classes
  • Defining a Lambda Expression

Collections and Generics

  • Creating a custom generic class
  • Using the type inference diamond to create an object
  • Creating a collection by using generics
  • Implementing an ArrayList
  • Implementing a TreeSet
  • Implementing a HashMap
  • Implementing a Deque
  • Ordering collections

Collections Streams, and Filters

  • Describing the Builder pattern
  • Iterating through a collection using lambda syntax
  • Describing the Stream interface
  • Filtering a collection using lambda expressions
  • Calling an existing method using a method reference
  • Chaining multiple methods together
  • Defining pipelines in terms of lambdas and collections

Lambda Built-in Functional Interfaces

  • Listing the built-in interfaces included in java.util.function
  • Core interfaces - Predicate, Consumer, Function, Supplier
  • Using primitive versions of base interfaces
  • Using binary versions of base interfaces

Lambda Operations

  • Extracting data from an object using map
  • Describing the types of stream operations
  • Describing the Optional class
  • Describing lazy processing
  • Sorting a stream
  • Saving results to a collection using the collect method
  • Grouping and partition data using the Collectors class

Exceptions and Assertions

  • Defining the purpose of Java exceptions
  • Using the catch, multi-catch, and finally clauses
  • Autoclose resources with a try-with-resources statement
  • Recognizing common exception classes and categories
  • Creating custom exceptions
  • Testing invariants by using assertions

Java Date/Time API

  • Creating and manage date-based events
  • Creating and manage time-based events
  • Combining date and time into a single object
  • Working with dates and times across time zones
  • Managing changes resulting from daylight savings
  • Defining and create timestamps, periods and durations
  • Applying formatting to local and zoned dates and times

I/O Fundamentals

  • Describing the basics of input and output in Java
  • Read and write data from the console
  • Using streams to read and write files
  • Writing and read objects using serialization

File I/O (NIO.2)

  • Using the Path interface to operate on file and directory paths
  • Using the Files class to check, delete, copy, or move a file or directory
  • Using Stream API with NIO2


  • Describing operating system task scheduling
  • Creating worker threads using Runnable and Callable
  • Using an ExecutorService to concurrently execute tasks
  • Identifying potential threading problems
  • Using synchronized and concurrent atomic to manage atomicity
  • Using monitor locks to control the order of thread execution
  • Using the java.util.concurrent collections

The Fork-Join Framework

  • Parallelism
  • The need for Fork-Join
  • Work stealing
  • RecursiveTask

Parallel Streams

  • Reviewing the key characteristics of streams
  • Describing how to make a stream pipeline execute in parallel
  • List the key assumptions needed to use a parallel pipeline
  • Defining reduction
  • Describing why reduction requires an associative function
  • Calculating a value using reduce
  • Describing the process for decomposing and then merging work
  • Listing the key performance considerations for parallel streams

Database Applications with JDBC

  • Defining the layout of the JDBC API
  • Connecting to a database by using a JDBC driver
  • Submitting queries and get results from the database
  • Specifying JDBC driver information externally
  • Performing CRUD operations using the JDBC API


  • Describing the advantages of localizing an application
  • Defining what a locale represents
  • Read and set the locale by using the Locale object
  • Building a resource bundle for each locale
  • Calling a resource bundle from an application
  • Changing the locale for a resource bundle

Open calls

Informative note

PUE is recognised as an official training center by Oracle with the figure Oracle Approved Education Center (OAEC).

PUE also has the recognition of being part of Oracle's WDP - Workforce Development Program. The aim of the WDP initiative is to help academic institutions to prepare students as future specialists in the most demanded technologies in the labor market.

The training provided by PUE in its calendar courses is part of the WDP initiative and is aimed at students who, both unemployed and working professionals, wish to access in the most advantageous possible way to courses in Oracle technologies (data bases, Java, etc.) officially and recognized.